Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Did Tinker Bell ever learn to cycle??

I won't come back too much on the night out last week... But blimey, Friday was a long day, with an unexplained (and not traceable) bruise on the forehead (promise, I did not fall over), and a nearly dislocated shoulder (well - bruised, and could not move higher than the elbow. Unexplained either). In fact, as I went to bed quite late (thanks for a broken down train which delayed the journey back, remind me to complain to British Rail and the Minister For Working Mums Who Go On Jollies Once a Year), so, as I went to bed late, nothing was hurting (and I did not drink THAT much given I knew I'd need to be up and running early). And here we go. Friday morning, I woke up feeling like I was a crippled XX year old subjected to Skating on Ice for the last 2 weeks. Anyway - I guess that's what 10 years of not practicing going out does to your body...
Just as well we had the bank holiday to recover. Went like a lightening. Got Tinker Bell to cycle, starting the bike on her own. "mummy, Tinker Bell does not need to cycle, she has wings, you know!" "she still needed to learn to cycle in case her wings broke" (phew) (thank God the argument stopped there and there was no mentions that actually we don't see her cycling in Peter Pan. But I guess you never know, and I am sure she would have been prepared.
Next to plan: still need to find a Abba outfit for the NotSoPleasedToHaveToDressUpHusband for Saturday's party. Who said we did not go out. Actually, I am secretely quite looking forward to seeing him with a 70s wig and flowery shirt..... Pictures might get posted (as long as I take the photos!!!)
MrsDoubtfire (the girls' nanny) has been brilliant again. Cheering the girls up, despite the fact that the boiler has broken down (again... British Gas are going to start thinking I have an affair with their engineer....). Told them stories about Bridesmaid. Which is quite topical, given TinkerBell will be a bridesmaid in September. I just hope the story of the big, purple, stripy dress has not scared her too much...
More soon! By the way, in the end Swine flu is not in the house. Phew.

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